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Doctors are Leaders


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Leadership Medicine

Doctors Are Leaders, but Are They Good at It?

July 26, 2021
Reading Time: 5 minutes Despite it not being a focus of their training, the best doctors are also great leaders. Being a Physician Sure Is a Big Responsibility We go to them for advice and peace of mind. We rely on them in times of crisis. Doctors are viewed as healers, but they are also looked up to as […]


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Medicine Personal Growth

The Relationship Between Stress and Gut Microbiota

July 7, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes How stress manipulates the trillions of tiny microorganisms we carry in our gut. Stress Is a Killer, Literally Before COVID-19 descended upon us, stress was named the health epidemic of the 21st century. Stress is responsible for about 90% of all illnesses and diseases. Manifesting through our body’s response to anything we perceive as overwhelming, […]
Black fungus infection in India


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Medicine Physician

A Black Fungus Infection Is Killing Covid-19 Patients in India

June 10, 2021
Reading Time: 5 minutes How Covid-19 and its treatments create a breeding ground for black fungus infection.  Black Fungus Infection, India’s New Pandemic “The black fungus infection has now become more challenging than Covid-19,” says Dr. VP Pandley, head of Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital. “If patients are not treated in time and properly, then the mortality rate can go up […]


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Leadership Medicine Personal Growth

50 Years of Research Reveals How You Can Live Longer and Be Happier

April 7, 2021
Reading Time: 5 minutes Be happier and live longer by taking these three steps. Happiness Is on Holiday Just glimpsing the major headlines on a given day is enough to tell us that peace and happiness are becoming alien concepts in our world. The news is forever saturated with unrest, uncertainty, and violence. Increased incidence of depression and suicide […]
Selfie to diagnosis


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Artificial Intelligence Emerging Technology Medicine

From Selfie to Diagnosis: Detect Heart Disease by Snapping Pictures

March 31, 2021
Reading Time: 3 minutes We all take them. Soon selfies might actually keep us healthy. AI, Selfies, and the Future of Medicine  Based on how quickly AI-based machines are advancing, the future is very exciting. The healthcare industry is on the cutting edge, and experts are encouraging the adoption of wearables to improve diagnosis and treatment. First, there were […]
AI can now Prescribe Medications


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Artificial Intelligence Emerging Technology Medicine

AI Can Now Prescribe Medicine

March 17, 2021
Reading Time: 3 minutes AI and its ever-expanding skillset Is There Anything AI Can’t Do? With artificial intelligence, the possibilities are endless. These machines, models, and algorithms become more human every day – they basically squeeze the decision and discernment power of an active human brain into codes. The results already go beyond our limited capacity. Thus, that AI […]
AI for stem cell health


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Artificial Intelligence Medicine

The AI-Formulated Dietary Supplement That Supports Stem Cell Health

March 10, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes GeroProtect’s new product and what it means for stem cell health and function What Are Stem Cells? Stem cells are groups of specialized human cells that can develop into different types. Thus, they are the precursors from which other cells in the body originate. Stem cells are crucial to human development, and conditions like congenital […]


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Medicine Physician

Menacing New COVID-19 Variant May Reduce Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy

February 24, 2021
Reading Time: 3 minutes South African COVID-19 Variant Elicits Weakened Response From Pfizer Vaccine How COVID-19 Variants Come About Since viral particles frequently mutate, treating viral infections like COVID-19 is no simple task. Mutations can produce new variants that are more dangerous and, sometimes, can even render existing vaccines useless. Viral mutations arise from random copying errors that alter […]


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Medicine Physician

PPE and Me – It’s Complicated

February 23, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes PPE Is Great, but Pandemic Waste Is Piling Up Encountering Discarded Gloves and Masks in Public = Infuriating Sitting at my ‘work-from-home’ quarantine desk, I heard my alarm – time to change the laundry. Donning a mask, I walked down the hallway and opened the laundry room door. I couldn’t help but fixate on the […]


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Medicine Physician

A Brief Look At COVID-19 Vaccines And How They Work

February 17, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes Answering Common Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccines What is a Vaccine? A vaccine is a pharmacological agent that is used to prevent viral infection by strengthening the immune system. Unlike bacteria, which are treated with antibiotics, viruses are combated with vaccines, which contain the same elements (be it DNA, RNA, or another antigen) of the […]
Youngstown, Ohio

Medical Doctor (M.D.); Research Fellow at Lumen Foundation Artificial Intelligence Division

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